The Experienced REVA Fact Sheet
1. All facts based on over 1 year of daily usage in the city of Bombay, India.
2. I’m not selling these cars. This info is to enligthen people who always wanted to know more about the car.
3. I strongly believe that people who care about our planet, the environment we live in and the future of today’s children will definitely get one.
- It’s a 100% Electric Car that works on Batteries.
- No Fuel. No Exhaust. NO POLLUTION!
- It’s a very comfortable 2-seater car. (They have 2 more seats at the back but they fold and I use it as a nice large boot. 2 small kids could fit if you like.)
- A full charge gives you a min. 40km to 70km depending on how much you use the AC. The company states 80km under test conditions but none of us drive under ‘Test Conditions’, do we? :-)
Top speed I’ve done is 85 km/h. Maximum speed as per company specs: 100 km/h.
- Charging is done on a regular 15Amp 3-pin plug that we have at home.
- A 100% full charge takes 8 hours (I leave it overnight as there is an automatic cut-off)
- A 90% charge takes about 3 hours.
Running Cost
A full charge consumes 9 units of electricity. This works out to less than Rs. 80/-
Comparison to Petrol
A petrol car city average works out to over Rs. 5 per km.
The Reva city average works out to between 0.80 paise to Rs. 1.50p per km.
Overall, it’s a even greater savings as there’s no maintenance cost like a engine based car, except battery water, which costs nothing.
Cost etc.
The car starts at 3.5 lacs and depending on the features can go up to 4.5 lacs. Incentive from government : Depreciation in 1st year: 80%.
Q1. What if I run out of battery power between Point A & Point B?
A1. Frankly, there’s a Power Gauge (like a Fuel gauge) which tells you how much power you have so you can easily plan your travel. From personal experience and info from other users, NOBODY has ever had that problem. Also, the on-board computer system automatically warns you and shifts into a economy mode when your battery is really low so you can reach a charging point.
Q2. How is the pickup?
A2. Surprisingly awesome! I can shoot of first from a signal before anyone else. This was one of my primary concerns before I bought mine.
Q3. Is climbing hills a problem?
A2. Not at all. It goes up swiftly and the car even has a Boost Mode switch for that extra power you may need.
Reva’s website:
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